South Side is an American drama series set in and around South Jamaica Queens, NY and created/written/produced by Taheim Bryan. Based loosely around American Gangster, Kenneth “Supreme” McGriff and the Supreme Team, South Side (The Series) depicts the NY drug trade in the early 1980s.
For those who are not familiar, The Supreme Team was a street gang organized in the early 1980s in the vicinity of the Baisley Park Houses in Jamaica, Queens and at its 1987 peak, made more than $200,000 a day.
Murder. Betrayal. Incarceration- the opulent and extravagant lifestyle of an American Gangster isn’t all what it seems…
The Land Where Stars Are Born....
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012
(Trailer) South Side (Queens) The Series ft. @triggertreach @stormpsays @loochgwinin
Featured Release
"Nuclear Winter represents many things. It represents dark times in our lives, it represents the state of NY hip hop & how I feel about it, & it represents my blueprint on how I think the music should be done going forward into the future. This is my manifesto to all the people that doubted me & the kryptonite to all selfishness. It's a journey from darkness into light, & from bondage & the huge amounts of weight on our shoulders to breaking free and regaining our freedom. Nuclear Winter we're coming to take shine....." - Willie Maze
The Generals consist of emcees Willie Maze & Dime.
Released 17 July 2012 Art & Direction: Willie Maze
For Booking & Info Contact:
All Songs Recorded & Mixed by SPKilla Muzik
Cover Artwork: Miami Kaos
Im from Union Hall Street Southside Jamaica near 40 projects. And I like this they need more shows based outta southside
ReplyDeleteWe have a new trailer of this project on check it out one