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Monday, October 26, 2009
(Video) Fredro Starr's Tales Of The Industry - Ep. 1 - "Club New York Shooting"
(Video) Cormega - "Journey"
Cormega releases video for "Journey," the first video release from his third solo album, Born And Raised, in-stores now. Directed by Brian "Deka" Paupaw, through personal photos and imagery, Cormega, takes viewers through a personal journey of his life. Album in-stores now and available through online retailers.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
(Video) Big Twins - THE INFAMOUS QB TRAILER #1
With BLAQ MOBB (G.O.D part 3 of IM3 & Killer Flame) - CHINKY - TYMAXX - BLACK ICE - BLACK BOX - AMIR
produced by Rheezo
with over 30 Queensbridge artists
coming 2010...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
(Video) 50 Cent - "Crime Wave"
"Crime Wave" from the upcoming album "BEFORE I SELF DESTRUCT"
in stores everywhere November 23.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
(Download) DJ Rated R - - Crown City Records - "TE2W Pt. 2 - The Insurgency"

Doo Wop // Cormega // Miami Kaos // Big Tobacco
1. TE2W Pt. 2 Intro - Doo Wop, Gab Gacha, & Willie Maze (Pd. by 40 Below Ent.)
2. Warriorz - Willie Maze, J. Rikashay, & Freddy Lashes
3. Wherever We Go - Camiliano & Trujillo (Pd. by Brisk)
4. I Never Left - Evil Eye (Pd. by White Shadow of Norway)
5. The Insurgency - Rod Da Blizz (Pd. by Madlib)
6. Sleepless Child - Trujillo & Camiliano (Pd. by 40 Below Ent.)
7. Purgatory - Evil Eye, Willie Maze, & Ali Vegas (Pd. by DJ Nice of Crack City)
8. Pop Off - Willie Maze, J. Rikashay, & Freddy Lashes (Pd. by The Great Zee)
9. The Hard Life - Consep & Trujillo (Pd. by K.O.N.)
10. Cold Summer - Willie Maze & Wizdom (Pd. by Sid Roams)
11. Block Muzik - Rod Da Blizz (Pd. by The Labor Dept.)
12. Bring It - Willie Maze & Evil Eye (Pd. by The Beatnuts)
13. Royalty Freestyle - Consep
14. Return Of Mr. Good Bars - Rod Da Blizz (Pd. by The Labor Dept.)
15. Funny Sensation - Gab Gacha (Pd. by Prince Machiavelli)
16. How It Is - K.O.N. & Consep (Pd. by K.O.N.)
17. Still Got Blue Tops - Camiliano & Rod Da Blizz (Pd. by The Labor Dept.)
18. Never Look Back - Trujillo (Pd. by Doe'p Mann)
19. Crown City Tradition - Camiliano (Pd. by The Labor Dept.)
20. Niggaz Talkin' Shit - Consep
21. Party & Bullshit - Trujillo & Evil Eye (Pd. by J. Dilla)
22. I Hear You - Camiliano & Willie Maze (Pd. by 40 Below Ent.)
23. The Blackout Show - DJ Camilo, Gab Gacha, Joell Ortiz, & Trujillo (Pd. by Juju of The Beatnuts)

Special thanks to everybody that made this project come to life. Shouts to Rated R (You killed it!!!), Miami Kaos (Thanks for going the extra mile cover is bananas!!), Thanks to Cormega for taking the time out, of course can't forget Doo Wop for the murderous intro, The Labor Dept. for supplying some of the best production in the game, The whole Crown City family & everybody else that made this possible. Hope yall enjoy the tape we worked really hard on it.
For Video Production & Mixtape Hosting Contact: DJ Rated R - (647) 210-7251
For Graphics & Logos Contact: Hardcore Designs/Miami Kaos
We're dropping our first mixtape today.....
We're dropping our first mixtape today in conjunction with the release of Cormega's new album. We thought we'd get in on this special day & bring to yall a real official project. We're currently hammering out a few technical issues and the download will be up shortly.
(Video) Cormega talks B&R and breaks down the Indie Rap Game.....
This is one of the best interviews I've seen in a long time (sh!t...maybe ever). Cormega really breaks down the behind the scenes politics of the industry. He also talks about alot of the backward thoughts of the culture & what it takes to be successful as an independent artist & much more.
"Born & Raised" in stores today. Go out and support a true independent
Monday, October 19, 2009
(Video) SHYHEIM - "Disrespectfully Speaking"
(Video) Mase surprises Puff Live On Air & finally gets his release from Bad Boy
Update from Miss Info:
that signature wasn’t on a contract release form…it was basically an appearance release form. Basically, Diddy is allowing Mase to appear on songs with other artists. He is not freeing Mase from his contractual obligations to Bad Boy.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
(Comedy) Kareem Abdul Jabbar on Jeopardy (FAIL)
(Video) Sheriff: says 6yr old Balloon Boy was a "hoax"
A sheriff says a Colorado couple's report that their 6-year-old son was in a balloon that was hurtling away from their home was a publicity stunt. Sheriff Jim Alderden says Richard and Mayumi Heene "put on a very good show for us." (Oct. 18)
Saturday, October 17, 2009
(Audio) Eminem - "Taking My Ball" (CDQ)
Rappers heralded as "mature", simply miming growth

Wow. This is a deep article, and one that should be read by anyone who professes to love hip hop.
Courtesy of The Root:
Hip-hop is deep in its third decade of existence. It spans generations. But to suggest that it's grown up in this time is to assume a maturing that hasn't exactly happened. Sure, a small handful of artists have managed to mature creatively, (Scarface immediately leaps to mind) but most rap artists who are heralded as "mature" are simply miming growth.
"Grown man" rappers like Jay-Z or Common are only mature in the absence of immaturity. They are acclaimed for what they don't rap about—namely drugs and violence (the new "off that" mentality only reinforces the culture's widening generational rift). They still make superficial music; they've just swapped out street signifiers for more "respectable" but equally vapid pursuits—business, high fashion, etc.
Jay-Z brags endlessly about texts from President Barack Obama, but he never discusses the content of said messages, let alone seriously consider a health care plan. Jay is Tom Hanks in Big, flopping around awkwardly in a new suit. And the grand irony is that these gestures are mostly wasted. Hip-hop is and forever will be youth music, regardless of how many aging rappers do or do not end up on Oprah's couch. The only people who expect maturity from it are outsiders, those who were never involved in the first place, or those who have grown so far from hip-hop that they no longer need it.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Fox News fires Liberal analyst, Marc Lamont Hill

So it's okay for Fox News to support Glenn Beck, who said that President Obama is a "racist" who has a "deep seated hatred for white people" and the "white culture". It's okay for Fox News to support Sean Hannity, who has celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. day every year for three years now by personally attacking African Americans on his show. It's perfectly okay for Fox News to support Bill O'Reilly who suggested that a 15 year old boy who had been kidnapped and sexually abused for four years, said the following:
"The situation here for this kid looks to me to be a lot more fun than what he had under his old parents. He didn't have to go to school. He could run around and do whatever he wanted."
So that's all well and good, for Fox News. They have no problems with these and other outrageous comments.
However, when a liberal analyst for Fox News shows support for former White House advisor Van Jones, and controversial figures Mumia Abu Jamal and Assata Shakur, well suddenly we have a problem. And the Liberal has to go.
The fact that the aforementioned Beck, O'Reilly and Hannity are all lily white and Dr. Marc Lamont Hill is African American, surely played zero part in their unwillingness to go to bat for him. Not Fox News! NOOOOO!
And I'm sure the fact that Hill is a hip hop head, played no part in their willingness to let him go either. As much as Fox News shits on hip hop at every opportunity, it's not a surprise really.

courtesy of The Live Feed:
Murdoch also said that Hill has been fired. He revealed the move after a shareholder had raised the question of how Hill was hired, citing his "reputation of defending cop killers and racists."
Hill, a frequent guest on "The O'Reilly Factor" and other Fox News shows, has been the target of increasing criticism on the blogosphere for alleged sympathies to controversial figures including Assata Shakur and Mumia Abu-Jamal. Though Hill bills himself as an expert on hip-hop culture, he also drew fire for serving as a liberal foil for various Fox News personalities on subjects far from his stated area of expertise.
Hill also recently defended ousted White House official Van Jones on "On the Record With Greta Van Susteren."
Is anyone REALLY surprised about this? Alan Colmes left earlier this year, and now Hill is gone. They're getting rid of the very few liberals they have on that network that would dare spout an opposing viewpoint than what Fox News wants you to know.
This is a great video of Dr. Hill speaking to a school.
(Artist Spotlight/Video) THAITANIUM ft. BLAHZAY BLAHZAY & LIL FAME - "No Stoppin Us"
No Stoppin Us Video (Song Produced By KON)
Thaitanium the dynamic trio has their eyes set on spreading the essence of good music once again throughout Asia and worldwide. Thaitanium has been in the studio this year conjuring up a brand new collection of classic tracks on their new album entitled "Still Resisting" set to release on November 30th. To introduce the album Thaitay linked up with long time friend and mentor Blahzay Blahzay alongside "The Firing Squad" Lil Fame from M.O.P. to drop the first single on the album. "No Stoppin Us" this street joint takes the group back to their roots in Brooklyn, NY. This is the borough in which they recorded all 4 of their Lp's to date and where they call home. The music video was directed by Nick Barbieri of Myfake Productions and was shot in Brooklyn and Manhattan with feature apperances by Strictly Live artist Juganot, Mike Frank151, and of course Blahzay and Lil Fame. With East New York and Bangkok behind them Thaitaniuim is sure to take the world by storm in 2010.
(Video) Dan the Automator feat. Mike Patton & Rahzel - Mojo
Produced by one of my all time favorite producers, Dan the Automator, this is a really fun song and video.
Plus it has Rahzel. Can never get enough Rahzel, I say. Plus a funny cameo at the very very end.
(Video) Tekken 6: Motivational Trailer - VERY COOL!
However this trailer is just fantastic. Very little actual footage, but there's professional fighters giving speeches on why they fight. What drives them. What motivates them to be the very best that they can be.
Very well done trailer, and simply a great video.
(Artist Spotlight/Video) William Cooper - "One Roll Of The Dice"
Black Market Militia Presents: William Cooper aka Booth's video for his single "One Roll Of The Dice" from the album "Beware Of The Pale Horse" IN STORES OCTOBER 20th
(Video) Was 6yr old UFO ballon boy a publicity stunt? You decide.
Balloon Boy's Father To CNN: "I'm Appalled At You!"
I don't know about yall, but to me they're acting mad suspect in these videos.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
(Video) GOP votes against protecting rape victims
This shows where the GOP's heads at here. As Stewart says, "if EVER there was a bill that would warrant UNANIMOUS support, it's this one"
(Video) Stephen Colbert interviews The Rza
(News) Louisiana Magistrate refuses to marry interracial couple

Man this shouldn't be a surprise, but I have to say that it is. Refusing to marry a couple due to them being interracial? And then having the balls to say that it's not because you're racist but because you'e concerned for the children? Oh spare me the sanctimonious bullshit.
via RawStory:
A justice of the peace in northern Louisiana has refused to grant a marriage license to an interracial couple because he believes it would harm any children born of that relationship.“I’m not a racist,” Keith Bardwell, justice of the peace in the state's Tangihapoa Parish, told the Hammond, Louisiana, Daily Star. “I do ceremonies for black couples right here in my house. My main concern is for the children.”
The Louisiana chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union is calling the justice's move "tragic and illegal.
Further quotes by Bardwell indicates that he perhaps got more of an issue with race then he wants to believe.
He said:
The paper quotes the justice of the peace as saying that “99 percent of the time” an interracial couple will consist of a black man and white woman, and “I find that rather confusing.”
And then he also doubled down on the race rhetoric by saying the following:
Bardwell said that neither black nor white society accepts the offspring of an interracial couple, and the children suffer as a result. He also stated that interracial families are unstable, and the children of these families often end up in the care of grandparents.
“In my heart, I feel the children will later suffer,” he said, adding that "if he does an interracial marriage for one couple, he must do the same for all," the Daily Star writes.
“I try to treat everyone equally,” he said.
And it's that last statement that just makes me not know whether I want to laugh or cry. Here's someone that is discriminating against a couple who want to get married, based on the fact that both of their skin colors are not the same. That's treating everyone equal? Oh but he said he "TRY"s to treat everyone equally. He didn't say he DOES treat everyone equally, which it's clear that he doesn't.
I'd love to know where he gets his statistics from saying that interracial couples are unstable and the children end up living with their grandparents.
I know plenty of white couples who are SEVERELY unstable and their kids are living with grandparents. I know single white mothers who are incredibly immature and keep popping out babies, only to have them taken away and put in the system, or sending them to live with the child's grandmother or grandfather.
And I also know many interracial couples that provide a very stable and loving home for their children. And they provide for their kids, and the comments of Bardwell are a slap in the face to every hardworking interracial couple out there.
Discriminatory and prejudiced thinking like that of Mr. Bardwell, is why we have laws in this country prohibiting this very sort of thing.
In fact Bardwell is breaking the law by refusing to marry them.
In 1967, Loving vs. Virginia, the United States Supreme Court ruled by unanimous 9-0 vote that the states laws against interracial marriage was unconstitutional.
Now if you want to voice your concerns about the discrimination that mixed race children face, that's a valid concern. However you can't base your decisions on that. You cannot prevent two consenting adults who love each other from getting married, whether they're the same sex or different races.
You just don't do it.
(News Video) 6yr old boy stuck in UFO balloon
The balloon has fallen to the ground and apparently the boy wasn't inside. More details as they unfold.
(Video) Killah Priest - "The 7 Crowns Of God"
(Queen of Queens) Rosa Acosta
(Technology) Google Wave Demonstration (Video 80 Mins)
Don't want to sit through 80mins of geek talk? Here's the abridged version.
(Video) Ty Nitty - Infamous Meeting Pt. I
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
(News) Rush Limbaugh dropped from Group to buy The Rams
Good day everyone! Good day!
Here's a great video summarizing everything going on in this situation. Bout 20 minutes, but well worth it.
Rush Limbaugh: A Color Man Who Has a Problem With Color?

Rush Limbaugh wants to buy into the NFL's St. Louis Rams football team, however he's receiving some backlash from not only some African American players, due to his racebaiting rhetoric, but also from some owners, and even the commissioner Roger Goodell.
While listening to sports radio tonight, I heard the sports talk host, JT The Brick (A Republican) on Fox Sports Radio, repeatedly say that this was about the comments "in the past" about Donovan McNabb. I contend that while those comments about McNabb being overhyped because the media wanted a black quarterback to succeed most definitely factor in, it's not just those.
Limbaugh has a long and storied history of race related and racist comments about virtually any and all prominent African American politician, and generic racist comments. This is the man who played the song "Barack the Magic Negro" (sung to the tune of Puff The Magic Dragon) on his show, and doesn't understand why that's offensive.
He's referred to Barack Obama as a "Halfrican American" and insisted that he's not Black, but that he's "Arab" because Kenya is an Arab area.
The below article was written back in 2000, when he was auditioning for the role on NFL Countdown on ESPN, the show in which he made those illfated comments about Donovan McNabb. I think this is a great article that highlights JUST the extent of his fear mongering and his racist comments.
In my opinion he doesn't need to be in the NFL and he should not be in there. He has every right to APPLY to be in the NFL. This is America and he's well within his rights to go for it. However the NFL, a private organization, has the right to tell him to kick rocks, in no uncertain terms.
Limbaugh A Color Man Who Has a Problem With Color?
By Jeff Cohen and Steve Rendall
Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh may be returning to television. He recently auditioned for a job as color commentator on ABC's Monday Night Football. The tryout followed weeks of self-promotion by the self-styled "truth detector" to the millions who listen daily to his syndicated radio show on some 600 stations.
Limbaugh's audition is stirring controversy. Sports columnist Thomas Boswell quipped that if Limbaugh joins Monday Night Football, then baseball's game of the week broadcasters might "team up with John Rocker."
Veteran sports writer Michael Wilbon, who is black, indicated a boycott might result: "If Rush Limbaugh is put in that booth, I will NOT listen to the broadcast," he wrote in a Washington Post chat session. "His views on people like me are well documented and I would find it insulting and hypocritical to watch him…There are tens of thousands, probably hundreds of thousands who feel the same way I do."
If ABC hires Limbaugh, it's not clear a boycott will materialize. What is clear is that his expressed views on racial matters -- from the spiteful to the sophomoric -- would make him an odd color commentator. Indeed, CBS Sports dismissed Jimmy the Greek Snyder for ignorant racial remarks less derisive than some of Limbaugh's.
As a young broadcaster in the 1970s, Limbaugh once told a black caller: "Take that bone out of your nose and call me back." A decade ago, after becoming nationally syndicated, he mused on the air: "Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?"
In 1992, on his now-defunct TV show, Limbaugh expressed his ire when Spike Lee urged that black schoolchildren get off from school to see his film Malcolm X: "Spike, if you're going to do that, let's complete the education experience. You should tell them that they should loot the theater, and then blow it up on their way out."
In a similar vein, here is Limbaugh's mocking take on the NAACP, a group with a 90-year commitment to nonviolence: "The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies."
When Carol Moseley-Braun (D-IL) was in the U.S. Senate, the first black woman ever elected to that body, Limbaugh would play the "Movin' On Up" theme song from TV's Jeffersons when he mentioned her.
Limbaugh sometimes still uses mock dialect -- substituting "ax" for "ask"-- when discussing black leaders. Such quotes and antics -- many compiled by Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR) for our 1995 book -- offer a whiff of Limbaugh's racial sensibility.
So does his claim that racism in America "is fueled primarily by the rantings and ravings" of people like Jesse Jackson. Or his ugly reference two years ago to the father of Madonna's first child, a Latino, as "a gang member-type guy" -- an individual with no gang background.
In 1994, Limbaugh mocked St. Louis for building a rail line to East St. Louis "where nobody goes." East St. Louis is home to roughly 40,000 residents -- 98 percent of whom are African-Americans. One of its 40,000 "nobodies" is star NFL linebacker Bryan Cox.
Once, in response to a caller arguing that black people need to be heard, Limbaugh responded: "They are 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?" That's not an unusual response for a talk radio host playing to an audience of "angry white males." It may not play so well among National Football League players, 70 percent of whom are African American.
Compared to some talk radio hosts, racism is not central to Rush Limbaugh's shtick. But there has been a pattern of commentary indicating his willingness to exploit prejudice against blacks to further his on-air arguments.
ABC has the right to hire Limbaugh, even at the risk of alienating members of its audience. (Monday Night Football is the second-most-watched TV show in black households). Thrust into the world of pro football where Limbaugh himself would be something of a racial minority, is it possible that he'd rise above his history of racial bigotry and insensitivity? Not likely.
When all is said and done, the athletes are the key players on Monday Night Football. It would be great to know how they'd feel about a color man who seems to have trouble with people of color.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
(QHH Instant Replay) Tony Yayo Feat. Cormega - Streets Keep Calling Me
(Artist Spotlight/Video) TRP (Trait Razor) ft. BOSSMAN "B4LT1M0RE"
(Artist Spotlight/Video) Taydough ft. Ol' Skool - Every Step
Taydough Featuring Ol' Skool "Every Step" music video from the album "Outskirts Money 2 Burn Vol.2" on LeBeau City Records. Directed & produced by Nick Finney / Katastrophic Creations.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Pimpin Ain't Easy
(Video) Juvenile talks about the Early Years and the Hot Boys
Sunday, October 11, 2009
(Artist Spotlight/Video) Timeless Truth (Solace & Oprime) ft. Sean Price Freestyle
(Video) Guru and Solar - Lost and Found
Saturday, October 10, 2009
KRS-1 Calls Lil Wayne "The Best Rapper Of All Time"
I understand KRS got a lot of respect from dudes because of his legendary status, but maaaaan, this don't look good. I don't care if he's high as shit or what. How you gonna say that? Especially considering all the legendary rappers that KRS been around?
It's a damn shame, man.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Black NFL players would not play for Rush Limbaugh
But he's not REALLY like that. He does it for ratings. In actuality, Fred Tupper has no problems with the Muslims, and in fact harbors a secret crush on Fatima, who runs the Muslim owned diner.
When he's asked about the fact that he rails against Muslims on the show, but seems to enjoy being around them, he admits that he does it for ratings. He admits that he's a bit confused by some of the rituals and traditions in the Muslim world, but he doesn't really have a problem with them. It's because that's what his audience expects from him. And it keeps the money coming in via sponsors.
The difference between Fred Tupper and Rush Limbaugh though, is that Limbaugh is much more vicious than Tupper. Tupper's a caricature of the more dangerous Limbaugh. I have no idea whether or not Limbaugh actually believes all the bullshit he spews on his show. And I don't think it really matters.

Well, ever since the news came out that Rush Limbaugh was in talks with another investor to buy the St. Louis Rams, the opinions have been fast and furious. Now several black athletes have come out on the record and stated that they would refuse to play for any team that Limbaugh purchased. After the history of racist remarks by Limbaugh, it's not really a surprise, I don't think. At least it shouldn't be.
via Think Progress:
“All I know is from the last comment I heard, he said in (President) Obama’s America, white kids are getting beat up on the bus while black kids are chanting ‘right on,’” New York Giants defensive end Mathias Kiwanuka told the New York Daily News, adding, “I don’t want anything to do with a team that he has any part of.” Other black players expressed similar sentiments:
[New York Jets linebacker Bart] Scott says players remember what Limbaugh said [about Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Donavan McNabb], and adds that the NFL would be wise not to allow the nationally syndicated host into the league.
“It’s an oxymoron that he criticized Donovan McNabb,” Scott said. “A lot of us took it as more of a racial-type thing. I can only imagine how his players would feel. I know I wouldn’t want to play for him. He’s a jerk. He’s an —. What he said (about McNabb) was inappropriate and insensitive, totally off-base. He could offer me whatever he wanted, I wouldn’t play for him. … I wouldn’t play for Rush Limbaugh. My principles are greater and I can’t be bought.”
Rush Limbaugh has a history of making questionable comments at best, involving the subject of race, most recently involving President Obama. Think Progress as a "lowlights" of some of his most recent comments:
– “Look, let me put it to you this way: The NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.”
– “We need segregated buses. … This is Obama’s America.”
– “President Obama is black. And I think he’s got a chip on his shoulder.”
– Democrats are interested in Darfur to secure black “voting bloc.”
– “Minorities never do anything for which they have to apologize.”
– Obama’s nomination for president “goes back to the fact that nobody had the guts to stand up and say no to a black guy.”
– Obama is a “halfrican-American.”
President Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize

In a move SURE to fire up those on the far right, such as Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly, the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize went to President Barack Obama. Surprising, not the least of which, since the deadline for nominations was two weeks after he took office.
I understand why they gave it to him, although I think it may have been a bit premature. I don't think he did enough so far to warrant such an award. However, whenever a Liberal wins the award, the Conservatives jump in with "oh anyone can get this award, it's not that important."
And trust me, all day tomorrow and over the weekend and into next week you're going to hear that exact comment from the Becks and the Hannitys and the Limbaughs and the O'Reillys.
Ever since Al Gore won the award, the Conservatives have pretty much vomited at the very mention of the Nobel Peace Prize. Although if President Bush had gotten one, you can be assured that it would be considered a high water mark on his resume, and would be a shining moment in history.
via The Raw Story:
President Barack Obama sensationally won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday, less than a year after taking office, with the jury hailing his "extraordinary" diplomatic efforts on the international stage. Obama was honored "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples," the head of the Norwegian Nobel Committee Thorbjoern Jagland said. The committee attached "special importance to Obama's vision and work for a world without nuclear weapons" and said he had created "a new climate in international politics." However, as he is overseeing the ongoing military occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, President Obama was not considered by many Nobel-watchers to be a leading candidate.
As I said, the entire Right Wing will be gnashing their teeth and tearing their cloth over the next few days over this, and you're going to see and hear a lot of negative stuff coming out of the Right Wing's press secretary, Fox News.
And anyone who doesn't denounce him will be called a "blind follower" and a "Sheep".
My problem with that has always been the same. I'm not a blind follower. I absolutely hate some of the stuff that Obama has done/hasn't done. But I'm not going to rake him over the coals after being in office for 8 months. Let's see how his first term goes, and then judge him based on what he's gotten accomplished in the first four years. We didn't elect him to 8 months. We elected him to 4 years.
Give the man his four years, and after that four if he hasn't done shit, if he's backed off of all the stuff he said he'd do, then vote the dude out. But people need to stop acting like assholes, just because their guy lost.
(Video) Jakk Frost - ''Do U Hear Wut They Say''
Directed by Jakk Frost
Filmed/Edited by Jimmy Giambrone
Guest appearance by Beanie Sigel
Thursday, October 8, 2009
(Video) Raphael Saadiq - Take a Walk
Check this out....just groovy!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The Recession finds a home in the lyrics of hip hop

via True/Slant
Back during the whole Don Imus debacle, conservatives began attacking hip-hop, saying that rappers were to blame for creating an atmosphere in which violent and offensive language was casually tossed around. I was elated when Jay-Z answered so appropriately, on his “American Gangster” album, by spitting back that: “Tell him I’ll remove the curses/If you tell me our schools gonna be perfect/When Jena 6 don’t exist/Tell ‘em that’s when I’ll stop saying bitch.”
Rappers were also out in front when it came to chronicling the rise of Obama – clearly a meaningful moment to the hip-hop community, which I wrote about back in 2007.
Now, the recession is on the minds of many rappers. Young Jeezy even named his latest album “The Recession,” and on the song of the same name, he notes that ““niggas heard it was a recession/ the whole world went into a panic.”
The current No. 1 album on Billboard’s hip-hop chart, Jay-Z’s “The Blueprint 3,” includes a line where he scolds other musicians by saying: ““I know we facing a recession/ But the music ya makin’ gonna make it the Great Depression.”
Not everything I wanted was on Youtube though, and surprisingly "Butta Babees" track "Baby Mother" wasn't on Youtube. Someone needs to do something about that shit. Get the track on there somehow. QHH readers, mount up and do the damn thing already! lol
(Video) Cormega Talks New Album "Born & Raised"
(Artist Spotlight/Video) Johnny Richter - "Evolution" + D-Loc - "D Iz Who I B"
"The Hidden Stash 420" dropping October 13, 2009 is a double CD with 40 songs and a full-length DVD "The Lost Adventures of the Kottonmouth Kings."** The Kings pulled out all the stops on this package 40 songs on a double CD 25 unreleased new tracks, b-sides, collabos, and remixes. There is a new Kingspade track "Gone Git It" plus new Johnny Richter and D-Loc solo joints. Tech 9 is featured on four tracks, and (hed) p.e., Brother Jay, Big B, Dirtball, Potluck and Judge D round out the special guests. This is a brand new CD and the fourth epic installment of the Kings "Hidden Stash" series. As part of the package, the DVD "The Lost Adventures" has over two hours of content featuring the Kings wild trips abroad to Japan, Australia, and the Cannabis Cup and tons of stoner comedy sketches, new KMK music videos and the first Sub Noize reality TV show "Blue Skies." The Hidden Stash IV promises to be an epic piece in the KMK catalogue.
"The Lost Adventures of the Kottonmouth Kings" DVD is only available at Best Buy and on
Two pre-paid debit cards to avoid!
However, as this article points out, there are many hidden fees that most people who buy them aren't aware of. This is just another example of preying on the lower class of society, especially those who are poor or who do not have a bank account.
Pay attention folks, and don't let yourself get taken advantage of.
via Daily Finance:
Visa (V) and MasterCard (MA) have their own version of micro-lending -- though one that is unlikely to receive any awards. Instead, they lend out small amounts on their co-branded, pre-paid debit cards, which are sold largely to the working poor in the U.S., and then collect millions in fees and penalty charges.What is a pre-paid debit card? The New York Times reports Tuesday that people buy them at drugstores and mass merchandisers in denominations of $25, $100 and $500. Consumers pay for the cards in stores to give them access to cash for ATM withdrawals, store purchases and ecommerce. In that way, the cards help enable commerce for a wider group of consumers.
There's just one little thing: fees. Or more specifically, lots of little fees -- for example, some cards have a $9.95 activation fee; $1.75 for each ATM withdrawal; $1 per ATM balance inquiry, 50 cents per purchase, $4 for monthly maintenance, $2 for inactivity after 60 days and $1 to call customer service. Somehow I doubt Grameen Bank charges fees like that.
This sector of the banking industry is growing fast. The Times reports that in 2008, prepaid debit purchases totaled $8.7 billion -- 125 percent more than in 2007. And by 2012, consumers are expected to purchase about $119 billion worth.
These pre-paid cards are co-branded with obscure companies that issue the cards, with names like Green Dot, NetSpend and AccountNow. But Visa and MasterCard -- who have their names on the cards as well are getting their share of the action -- receive between five and 20 cents each time a consumer or register operator swipes them. Who knows the regulatory and/or marketing reasons why these big name companies don't issue the cards all by themselves.
(Download) DJ Come of Age Presents: "Tish: Volume 1" - 100% Blended Neo-Soul
Download and then sit back and relax and just let this take you over.

01. Floetry - Say Yes (Instrumental Intro)
02. Alicia Keys - Diary
03. Floetry - Say Yes
04. Fertile Ground - Come 2 Me
05. DJ Come of Age presents: Monday Michiru
06. Sade - King of Sorrow (Cottonbelly Remix)
07. Xscape - Feels So Good (Remix)
08. Dwele - Hold On
09. Sunshine Anderson - Your Woman
10. Les Nubians - Makeda (Instrumental)
11. Anthony Hamilton - Coming From Where I'm From
12. Goapele (Interlude)
13. Erykah Badu & Common - Love of my Life
14. Raphael Saadiq - Be Here (Instrumental)
15. Ursula Rucker - Brown Boy
16. Errol & Jazzy Jeff - Rock Wit U (Instrumental)
17. Goapele - Closer
18. Raphael Saadiq - Doing What I Can
19. Amerie - Why Can't We Fall In Love? (Instrumental & Vocal)
20. Raphael Saadiq - Can You Feel Me?
21. Projections - Backbone
Stephen Colbert threatens Kanye West
Jay Z's Books He Lives By

Recently Jay Z sat down with Oprah Winfrey for an interview, and he also did an interview with Oprah's magazine "O".
Jay was asked what his favorite books were. The Books that shaped who he was and led his way, and he revealed them to the world:
1. The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav.

Jay Z: "There are two books that I absolutely live my life by. This is one of them. I believe in karma and doing the right thing even if it may not advance you as far as you want."
2. The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield:

Jay Z: “This is the other book I live by. The story is a metaphor for life: I could go left or right, I could be stuck, or I could keep advancing.”
3. The Odyssey by Homer:

Jay Z: “I got lost in reading about Odysseus' struggle to get home and his longing for someone so strong, as his wife was, waiting for him. That's like a dream—that kind of strength, love, loyalty.”
4. Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell:

Jay Z: “This book is about the principles of timing and repetition—about preparing yourself for luck, really.”
5. Purple Cow by Seth Godin:

Jay Z: “This is straight marketing advice: Your product has to be a purple cow—it has to be distinct to have any success.”
6. N****r by Dick Gregory:

Jay Z: “I don't know who turned me on to this autobiography, but his sense of humor and the hardships he went through stayed with me.”
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
(Video) Raekwon "Surgical Gloves" Music Video Trailer
(Full Video) MTV's 2009 Top 10 Hottest MCs In The Game (40 Mins)
(Interview + Video) Tahiry does shoot w/ Complex Mag. & talks Joe Budden break up

Complex: So, dealing with the relationship stuff…
Tahiry: Get to the juicy stuff…
Complex: You know Joe said the break-up is none of anyone’s business, etc. Were there multiple reasons or was there one big blowout?
Tahiry: Multiple reasons. He said it was nobody’s business? That’s what he said? ‘Cause he said so much. I don’t even know. At the end, he just lashed out all out of control.
Complex: What was the biggest deal-breaker for you?
Tahiry: I just feel like…I’m never going to speak bad about Joey. I love him. Five years. It was a long time. We were just growing apart. We were not in the same zip codes. I just didn’t feel like after five years we were building that foundation together. For a long time it was, “Joe, Joe, Tahiry, Tahiry.” When it was beneficial, it was Joe and Tahiry. But you know after five years, you’re supposed to feel like you’re building something. I didn’t feel like we were building anything.
Behind the scenes of Tahiry's photo shoot w/ Complex Magazine
(Artist Spotlight/Video) E Major - Make It
E Major "Make It" music video. The second single off of E Major's critically acclaimed album "Majority Rules" available at & iTunes. Produced by the Heroes 4 Hire and featuring Tia Harris. Directed, edited and animated by Aaron "zu" Keeny.
Featured Release
"Nuclear Winter represents many things. It represents dark times in our lives, it represents the state of NY hip hop & how I feel about it, & it represents my blueprint on how I think the music should be done going forward into the future. This is my manifesto to all the people that doubted me & the kryptonite to all selfishness. It's a journey from darkness into light, & from bondage & the huge amounts of weight on our shoulders to breaking free and regaining our freedom. Nuclear Winter we're coming to take shine....." - Willie Maze
The Generals consist of emcees Willie Maze & Dime.
Released 17 July 2012 Art & Direction: Willie Maze
For Booking & Info Contact:
All Songs Recorded & Mixed by SPKilla Muzik
Cover Artwork: Miami Kaos
The Land Where Stars Are Born....