My man Kyle Murdock begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting (producer of CrossRhodes) , along with Raw Poetic are putting out their new Panacea album "12 Step Program" via a new process for them.
courtesy of K-Murdock's blog:
After a lot of time contemplating our options for the funding and release of "12 Step Program", we decided to take the new-media approach with it and have the FANS assist in bringing this album to physical fruition! So basically, its like pre-ordering the album, while also having a hand in its actual manufacturing!
We have done the indie and major label routes, and feel no one knows us better, other than ourselves, than YOU- our fans! That said, i hope you all will help us raise the funds necessary to bring "12 Step... " to the masses as myself and Raw P have created what we really feel is our best work YET, and feel using this method is very progressive (though risky), just like our music!
They've reached their goal, however you can still contribute and in return get yourself a vinyl copy of the album, along with other goodies, depending on your level of contribution. So what are you waiting for? Check the video below, and head on over to the Kickstarter page and get in on the ground floor, so to speak. lol.

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