#uknowufromqueens when you start a movement to take over twitter. For most of the day on Thursday Sept. 3rd, Queens was a #1 trending topic on twitter. Just when you thought it was safe, the rest of the boroughs took notice followed by every other city you can think of. BK & friends tried to "deebo" and take the Q borough's shine like some hungry BK stick up kids!!! haha. In the end they all came up short LOL. BK took the number one slot for a moment and then disappeared into twitter oblivion faster than Coney Island's "AstroLand Park". When the smoke cleared, Queens reigned supreme. Only the strong survive in Twietnam.
@QueensHipHop #uknowufromqueens if you were the first rap group with a street named after you
@QueensHipHop #uknowufromqueens if u ever rode the q40 dollar vans & q6 dollar cabs
@iamfella #uknowufromqueens When even the dogs look both ways before crossing the street. (via @DreamaKai) lmfao....classsic...
@Noreaga #uknowufromqueens if u know John Gotti was from queens
@Noreaga #uknowyoufromqueens If you still hold a BDP grudge on the low. (via @clighty)lowblow lol
@Noreaga #uknowyoufromqueens if you have a thug indian friend...aka animal thug lol (via @TitoGRAHMZ)
@EZEZfresh #uknowufromqueens if u give a fuck about this topic
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